Forearm implants are a surgical option that enhances muscle mass and definition in the lower arm. This procedure is particularly helpful for individuals with large upper arms who struggle to build muscle in the lower arm, resulting in an unbalanced appearance. Dr. Douglas Steinbrech is a specialist in forearm implant surgery for male patients in Los Angeles, CA. Each implant is customized to ensure a symmetrical and natural-looking result.

Despite intensive workouts, some people may not achieve the desired shape and tone in their forearms, making this surgery an effective option to achieve the appearance of larger and well-defined arm muscles. By improving the balance and appearance of the lower arm, wrist, and the entire body, this surgery can have a significant impact. The incision for the implant is discreetly placed under the arm to minimize visible scarring. Male patients in Los Angeles can expect to see an immediate improvement following their forearm implant surgery.

What Are Forearm Implants?

Forearm implants are a type of cosmetic surgery that involves inserting an artificial implant beneath the skin of the lower arm to create a more defined and muscular appearance. This procedure is typically used by individuals who have difficulty developing muscle mass in their lower arms despite regular exercise. The implants are tailored to each patient’s specific needs, ensuring a natural-looking and symmetrical result that mimics the feel of actual muscle. The incision for the implant is typically hidden in the underarm, minimizing visible scarring. Male patients in particular may benefit from forearm implants to achieve a more proportionate and balanced appearance.

Who Are The Best Candidates for Forearm Implants?

The best candidates for silicone forearm implants are individuals who have difficulty achieving muscular definition and mass in their lower arms despite regular exercise. Additionally, those who have experienced
an injury that caused an imbalance in their arm muscles may benefit from this procedure. Candidates should be in good health and have realistic expectations for the outcome of the surgery. This tailored procedure helps to create a balanced and natural-looking result, giving patients the appearance of fuller and more defined lower arms.

can you get forearm implants

To learn more about forearm implants, please contact Alpha Male Plastic Surgery to request your consultation or call 323-307-7007. 

How Does Forearm Implant Surgery Work?

The forearm implant procedure involves making an incision and creating a pocket that is large enough to hold a customized, solid silicone implant. The implant is inserted into the pocket and precisely positioned within the soft tissue. As the area heals, the surrounding muscle and fat will help to secure the implant in place. The incision is then closed with sutures, and a bandage is applied to reduce swelling and discomfort. After surgery, patients can usually see the results immediately, and a small dressing is applied to the incision site.

What Is the Recovery Time for Forearm Implants?

After surgery, patients will be advised to refrain from lifting their arms for two days. The dressings will then be removed, and a gentle exercise program will be introduced within 1-2 weeks to facilitate a full and comfortable range of motion for the arms. Typically, physical use of the upper body muscles can be resumed within a week or two, and full muscular activity may be resumed within one month. This allows patients to gradually return to their normal activities and ensures a safe and comfortable recovery period.

In order to learn more info regarding forearm implants in Los Angeles, CA, please send your request for a consultation. You may also call 323-307-7007 to speak to one of our Patient Advisors to learn more about male forearm implants.

Links of Body Implant Options for Men in LA 

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