Male Eyelid Gallery of Surgery Before & After Photos
To view the Male Eyelid Gallery of Surgery Before & After Photos of Los Angeles patients, please click the images below.

*There is no guarantee of specific results and patient results can vary.
Before and After Images of Plastic Surgery for Men in LA
Gynecomastia, Abdominal Implants, BodyBanking®, Gladiator Abs Gallery, Male Facelift, Poland Syndrome, Buccal Fat Removal, Biceps and Triceps, Fat Grafting, Chiseled Jawline, Pectoral Implants, Forearm Implants, Surfer Abs, Calf Implants, Male Model Makeover®, Male Eyelid, TorsoTuck®, Chin Implants, Shoulders And Traps, Daddy Do-Over®, LA Patients Compilation